Create a ticket package

Bundle tickets to display a group of tickets as a single package. A useful option for selling tables, BOGO deals, group packages, and more! Read below to see how to create a ticket package.

Step 1: Create a new ticket type

Or go to your event edit page to bundle an existing ticket type.

Step 2: Bundle tickets

Click Advanced to access ticket settings.

1. Set the price per ticket [1]. In this  example  we're selling 10 tables of 5. The total cost of the table is $100 so we set the individual ticket price at $20.
2. Set Buy in Multiples of number [2]. This is the total number of tickets in your ticket "package."
3. Check Bundle these tickets [3].

Ξ Note

In the example above, Max Tickets per Order is set to 50; this represents the total number of tickets available NOT the total number of bundles.

4. Hit Done to close advanced ticket settings then Save Event to save your changes.

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