Manage Eventpro app users

There are two ways to log into Eventpro. When you log in with your Big Tickets username and password, you have full access to the Eventpro app. You can view ticket sales, manage settings, and scan tickets.

You can also create a secondary login with limited access to scan tickets only. This is helpful when you want to protect sensitive sales data. Follow the steps below to set up a scan only login:

1. Log into Eventpro using your Big Tickets username and password.

2. Click on the event name then click on the account icon from the bottom menu bar as shown below:

3. Click Scanner Login.

4. Enter a Scanner Username and Scanner Password. Click Update.

Ξ Note

You can also set up a "scan only" username and password from the Big Tickets desktop app. Here's how:

1. Log into Big Tickets at

2. Click on your name and select  Manage Users from the dropdown menu.

3. Next to your username click  More > Edit.

4. Enter a  Scanner Username and Scanner Password. Click Update User  to save.

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