Send Emails to Constant Contact

Constant Contact

Hundreds of thousands of customers like you trust Constant Contact effective, easy-to-use email marketing tools and more to help increase sales, engage loyal customers, get new customers, and generate positive word-of-mouth. 

The Big Tickets App sends the ticket buyer's first name, last name, and email address directly to Constant Contact. Under each event you have the option to send emails to a specific list of your choosing within your Constant Contact account. 

Activation Instructions

1. Head over to your profile drop down at the top right of the Big Tickets App. Once there, click on Account Setup

2. For the event in question, select Edit from the drop down menu under Action to get to the page where you will create your access token. 

3. Scroll to the middle of the page where you will see the option to generate your access token. 

4. Login to your Constant Contact account

5. Select the Allow button. 

6. Be sure to select Edit Account at the bottom left of the page to save your changes. 

7. Repeat Step 2 to edit the event in question.

8. Go to Step 2 Social & Integrations and scroll to the middle of the page where you will see your Constant Contact lists in a dropdown. 

Pro Tip: if you're looking to pass more information to Constant Contact you can request access to our beta integration with Zapier that will allow you to pass any information field from the purchase process directly into your Constant Contact lists.

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