How to Send Free Tickets to Patrons

Sending Comp Tickets

Send Complimentary (Comp) Tickets for your event to Guests and Sponsors for free using the Comp Tickets Function.

Go to My Events > Comp Tickets to get started.

Select the event you are sending tickets for from the dropdown. If your event doesn't show, click "Find" to change the date range. 

A menu will appear that shows all previouly sent Comp tickets. This page will be empty if you have not sent any tickets yet.

To send Comp tickets, click "Add Comp Tickets." The below menu will pop up.

If you need to send the patron multiple ticket types, you will need to send multiple orders.

Sending Bulk Comp Tickets

As an advanced feature, you can send large orders of Comp Tickets by uploading a .CSV file with each patron's information.

From the Comp Tickets page, select "Import from CSV." Another page will pop up.

From this new page, you can download the "Sample.csv." This document can be opened in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets and contains the proper format for uploading a Bulk CSV order. 

Enter each patron's information into the spreadsheet in the appropriate column. Like with individual Comp tickets, you can only send one ticket type at a time. If you need to send multiple ticket types, you'll need to prepare multiple spreadsheets. 

Once you've entered the patron's names, emails, and ticket quantity into the spreadsheet, save it as a .csv file. 

Return to the Comp Tickets Page and select the ticket type you are issuing. Then, upload the spreadsheet you saved by clicking "Select File."

The below window will pop up. Using the sample.csv, you can leave this page as default and click "Import."

After you click Import, your tickets will send to the designated patrons. 

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