Use a widget to sell tickets on your website

Want to sell tickets directly from your event website? No problem! Just grab the HTML code and add to your website.

1. Go to My Events > Website Widgets.

2. Select the widget type you'd like to use and (if necessary) the event you'd like to us it from from the respective dropdown menus.

Each Widget type is broken down below:

  • Event Listing Widget - displays all events on your account, allowing customers to choose an event and buy tickets.
  • Event Group Widget - displays all events in a pre-set group, allowing customers to choose an event and buy tickets.
  • Event Purchase Widget - displays a single event for customers to purchase tickets.
  • Event Scheduling Widget - displays the scheduling element of an event with scheduling

3. Copy the code to your clipboard.

4. Paste the code between the <head> and </head> tags of your event website. If you are using a hosting site such as Squarespace or Wordpress, you can add a "Embed Block" to the page and past the widget code in the block. When the widget code is embedded in your site it will look something like this:


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