Google Ads remarketing

Use  Google Ads Remarketing to show ads to users who have visited your event pages.

Please follow the instructions below to set up your Google Ads Remarketing integration with Big Tickets.

Connect Google Ads Remarketing to your Big Tickets account

Step 1: Log into Google Ads

Don't have a Google Adwords account? Click here to create a new account.

Step 2: Get your Google Ads Remarketing tag details.

1Sign in to your Google Ads account.
2. Click Campaigns and select Shared Library.
3. UnderAudiences, selectView, then select Details under the Remarketing Tag box (top-right).

Step 3: Copy Your Google Ads Conversion ID

Select  Tag Details > Select Setup > Select View Ads tag for websites > Copy Conversion ID

Step 4: Add Remarketing/Conversion ID to your event pages

1. Go toMy Events >Manage Events  then click on your event name to edit.
2. Go to Social & Integrations tab > Add your pixels >  Save Event.

⇒ Quick tip

Find advanced information related to mastering your remarketing skills here.

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