Adding images to your event page

Add images to make your event stand out from the crowd! Start by going to My Events > Manage Events and click on the event name to edit.

In this article:
Add event images
Add images to event description

Add event images

Your event image is the main image shown on your event pages; it embodies your event and should capture the experience your attendees can look forward to.

1. Scroll down to Event Branding Setup and click on +Add Event Image.

2. Click Choose File and select the image from your computer. Click Open.

3. Enter an image name (for your reference only) and click Upload.

Ξ Note

If a marketing image hasn't been uploaded yet, you'll be prompted to resize your event image to use as the marketing image. The marketing image is displayed in search results and on the Big Tickets homepage. Hit "cancel" to upload a different marketing image.

4. Click Save Event to save your changes and exit event setup.

Add images to your event description

Start by going to My Events > Manage Events and click on the event name to edit.

1. Scroll down to Event Description and click on the picture frame icon to add an image.

2. Enter the image URL and click Insert.

⇒ Quick tip

Need to generate an image URL? Click  here to see how.

3. Click Save Event to save your changes and exit event setup.

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