Create and edit ticket types
When you create an event, you can customize your tickets by name, price, when ticket sales start and end, how many of each type can be sold, and more!
Create a new ticket type
1. Go to My Events > Manage Events and click on the event name to edit.
Ξ Note
Don't have an event set up already? Click here to get started.
2. Click on the Tickets tab and hit +Add Ticket Type.
3. You need to enter all of the following to create each ticket:
- Ticket Type - Create a custom name for your ticket type. This name appears on your event link, in reports, and on PDF/mobile tickets.
- Price - This is the cost of your ticket, not including any fees. For free tickets enter $0 (no fees are charged for free tickets).
- Start / End Sale Date - Limit when the ticket is available for purchase.
- Quantity - This indicates the number of tickets available of just this ticket type. You can change this number at any time, even after publishing your event and selling tickets.
Edit ticket type settings
You can edit ticket type settings, even after you've sold tickets. Just head over to your event edit page and click on Tickets to get started.
Click Edit Advanced under Actions to customize the ticket type:
- Ticket type - Use this feature to designate whether it's a ticket, booth, donation, merchandise, parking, pass, seat, or table. This is for your records only and won't be shown on the event listing.
- Minimum tickets per order - Set the minimum number of tickets that can be purchased in an order.
- Maximum tickets per order - Set the maximum number of tickets that can be purchased in an order. The default maximum is set to 10, but you can increase this to as high as 100.
- Ticket bundling - Display multiple tickets as a single package.
- Entry Date - By default your PDF/mobile tickets will display the event date and time (or if it's a multi-day event, the event date range). You can override this default setting by adding an Entry Date.
- Ticket description - Enter more details about the ticket type to let attendees know what they will receive with their ticket (like what you get with a General Admission versus a VIP ticket). The description appears as smaller text below the ticket type name.
- Promo Display Settings - This setting is used to hide a ticket type or make it password-protected.
- Low inventory - Designate a low inventory number to display a message or stop sales before tickets are sold out.
- Shipping Fee - Helpful if you're selling merchandise and you want to add a shipping charge to the order.
- Generate PDF ticket - Select No - Never Generates PDF if you're selling t-shirts or other merchandise that you don't want the ticket buyer to receive a PDF ticket for. The attendee will still receive an email confirming their order.
- Scheduled price changes - Add a scheduled price change to automatically increase or decrease the ticket price on a preset date, or once a certain number of tickets are sold.
- Ticket purchase dependencies - Define which ticket type(s) must be purchased in conjunction with this ticket type. Useful when you want to require a purchaser to buy at least one ticket type before they can have access to purchase other items, like a t-shirt or a designated driver ticket.